Marie Curie, Bronia Dluska,
and the Atomic Power of Sisterhood

Knopf Books for Young Readers
(pub. 2.14.2023) 40 pages
Author: Linda Elovitz Marshall
Illustrator: Anna and Elena Balbusso
Characters: Marie Curie and Bronia Dluska
" Marie Curie has long been a well-known name around the world. Though Marie made extraordinary scientific advances discovering new elements with her husband, Pierre, many students do not know about the powerful bond that propelled her into science: her sisterhood with Bronia! A force in academia and health care herself, Bronia made significant contributions to the scientific world, along with her loving support of sister Marie.
Sisters in Science is a compelling biography of two sisters who created their own paths while keeping the atomic bonds of sisterhood strong."
Tantalizing taste:
" Finally, peace returned.
At last, the sisters were reunited.
In Paris, Marie established the Radium Institute - now called the Curie Institute - for research and medical training, and for treating people with cancer.
In Warsaw, her hometown, she set up a second Radium Institute - this one, with Bronia in charge. All their lives, Marie and Bronia helped each other.
And something more: On A Personal Note, Linda Elovitz Marshall explains: "In a way, it is because of Marie Curie that I began writing for children. I was in graduate school, working toward my PhD in anthropology, when an X-ray revealed a cancer. I left my PhD program and, after successful treatment, some of which was based on Marie Curie's long-ago research, returned to a deeper and earlier love - the education of young children- and then started writing for children.
Mine and countless other lives have been improved by Marie Curie. Dr. Curie's discoveries provided the basis for much of our understanding of radioactivity and radiation."
Updated: May 22, 2023
The Woman Who Saved Millions of Birds

Atheneum Books for Young Readers
(Simon & Schuster)
(pub.3.15.2022) 40 pages
Author: Joy McCullough
Illustrator: Romima Galotta
Character: Harriet Lawrence Hemenway
" Harriet Lawrence Hemenway loved hats. She loved them with ribbons and flowers, embroidery and pearls. And feathers! What was better than a hat with grand, glorious feathers? But then Harriet discovered that millions of birds died so that she and her friends could soar at the height of style. A passion for fashion was one thing, but this was feather-brained!
So Harriet led the charge to take feathers out of fashion, getting laws passed that made it illegal to buy or sell wild bird feathers. In 1896, she and her fellow bird protectors founded the Massachusetts Audubon Society, which grew into a national organization that still protects birds today!"
Tantalizing taste:
" Minna and Harriet agreed: They would no longer wear feathered fashions. But they were only two people. They'd have to do more if they were going to save the birds.
It was 1896. A new century was on the horizon, and change felt possible. Yet women didn't even have the right to vote. What could two society ladies do about a great big ostrich of a problem?
They decided to have a tea party with all their friends...
The women showed up in fine feather, sporting spectacular hats with massive plumes ...
Harriet gathered her flock... and then she told them, 'Did you know that every year, five million birds are killed in the name of fashion.'"
And something more: The Back Matter of Harriet's Ruffled Feathers includes a section, "How to Bird-watch Like Harriet," with suggestions such as "You can also be a citizen scientist by reporting your sightings of birds and other wildlife. Journey North has a website where you can learn about migrating animals, like hummingbirds and monarch butterflies, and record your sightings."
Asian Americans Who Shaped the Country

Dial Books/ Penguin Random House
(pub.5.3.2022) 40 pages
Author: Kelly Yang
Multiple Illustrators
Characters: Multiple Asian Americans
" From creating beautiful music like Yo-Yo Ma to flying to outer space like Franklin Chang-Díaz; from standing up to injustice like Fred Korematsu to becoming the first Asian American, Black and female vice president of the United States like Kamala Harris, this book illuminates the power of Asian Americans all over the country, in all sorts of fields. Each spread is illustrated by a different renowned Asian American or Asian artist. "
Tantalizing taste:
" A long time ago, our ancestors came to this land to build a better life.
To build a better future.
[spread illustrated by Sally Deng]
They were told to get out.
They were told they couldn't stay.
You know what they said to that?
They said, we belong here, and we will thrive!
'Yes, we will!'
[spread illustrated by Dow Phumiruk]
...For we can be ANYTHING.
All we have to do is dream it."
[spread illustrated by Marcos Chin]
And something more: The Author's Note by Kelly Yang expands on each spread. The one illustrated by Dow Phumiruk explains, in part, that "early Asian American immigrants faced many discriminatory laws, including the CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT, which banned Chinese laborers, both skilled and unskilled, from entering the country. It made Chinese immigrants ineligible for citizenship and naturalization, giving them the legal status of permanent aliens. The Act was passed in response to years of anti-immigrant hostility and violence on the part of Americans who feared the new immigrants would take their jobs... If Chinese immigrants were not allowed to be citizens, they could not challenge discriminatory laws like this."