(pub 4.5.2022) 40 pages
Author: Emma Bland Smith
Illustrator: Jenn Ely
Character: Elliott Michener
"When Elliott Michener was locked away in Alcatraz for counterfeiting, he was determined to defy the odds and bust out. But when he got a job tending the prison garden, a funny thing happened. He found new interests and skills--and a sense of dignity and fulfillment. Elliott transformed Alcatraz Island, and the island transformed him."
Tantalizing taste:
"The island had changed in the nine years since Elliott had arrived.
The gray was gone. In its place was green. And other colors! Pink snapdragons. Red geraniums. Purple iris.
Elliott, too, had changed. He knew sedum from sage and dahlias from daffodils. He also had passion, pride, and solid skills. He could see a colorful future for himself – one that didn't involve breaking the law."
And something more: Emma Bland Smith, in the Author's Note, explains: "Researching this book involved many people and processes. I was excited to find valuable and revealing primary sources, such as prison reports on Elliott Michener, a recorded audio interview, and a delightful exchange of letters between Elliott and Warner Swoop.… Jenn Ely and I tried to be as accurate as possible in both text and art."
The bibliography of primary sources is impressive and such sources provide compelling details to the story. The Back Matter includes this excerpt from a letter Elliott sent after he moved to Southern California, married and led a productive life (one source said as a landscaper): "It continually amazes me that so many good things have happened," he wrote to Mr. Swope. "Ain't that sumpin'?"
Updated: Oct 28, 2022

I'm starry eyed thinking about my Los Angeles/Hollywood book tour for Dressing Up the Stars - The Story of Costume Designer Edith Head. All so welcoming and supportive of children's books and authors.
Heartfelt thanks to indie booksellers
* Vroman's in Pasadena
* Children's Book World in Los Angeles
* Once Upon a Time in Montrose
* Skylight Books in Los Angeles
* Chevalier's Books in Los Angeles
*Barnes & Noble at the Grove in Los Angeles

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

Woo hoo! So wonderful to be getting so many wonderful reviews of our new book, DRESSING UP THE STARS - The Story of Movie Costume Designer Edith Head (Beach Lane Books/Simon & Schuster). Illustrated by the talented Diana Toledano.
Here are some snippets of reviews:
★ “Hollywood costume designer Edith Head may not seem like an obvious choice for a children’s biography, but she quickly proves herself an ideal subject, largely due to how well Harvey anchors the story in Edith’s childhood … Pattern, texture, and design are key in Toledano’s mixed-media artwork, which often uses white backgrounds to emphasize Head’s passion for these very elements, and the charming, childlike quality of the illustrations will appeal greatly to young readers. Together, the art and storytelling capture Head’s belief in the transformative magic of costumes, which will certainly strike a chord with dress-up enthusiasts.” – BOOKLIST, starred review “Celebratory … Combined with starry-eyed prose, the result is a glamorous life story with a Hollywood ending.” – PUBLISHERS WEEKLY
“Dressing Up the Stars offers readers an important illustration of the lesson that success is about perseverance as much as it is about talent. Beautiful, expansive, unframed images evoke the fast pace of Hollywood life and show Edith fitting into her chosen setting on her terms ... Dressing Up the Stars is instructive and inspirational, perfect for fans of film, celebrities, and Hollywood.” – THE CHILDREN’S BOOK REVIEW “An inspirational biography of a woman who broke barriers in Hollywood, Dressing Up the Stars will appeal to kids who are interested in the movies and all creative endeavors and encourage them to pursue their true passions.” – CELEBRATE PICTURE BOOKS “Lovers of classic mid twentieth century cinema will be enthralled with this coverage of Head's challenging and interesting life.” – YOUNG ADULT BOOKS CENTRAL “Jeanne Walker Harvey’s warm and confident prose sets the stage for Diana Toledano’s stylized illustrations. Together, these women have created art and words that work seamlessly together ... Dressing Up the Stars is a fascinating nonfiction biography that will appeal to a wide selection of readers, especially those who are interested in art, film and fashion.” – CRACKING THE COVER “Encouraging and fun ... Absolutely charming” – THE BABY BOOKWORM “Focusing on Edith Head’s headstrong desire to succeed at costumes, Dressing Up the Stars offers a glimpse into the creativity and sheer determination of a famous costume designer. The illustrations by Diana Toledano are colorful and whimsical, showing Edith Head at work and daydreaming of success. Some illustrations are sketched so that they almost pop off the page in a 3D style, and hold some interesting details that children will appreciate.” – THIS BLISS LIFE “Dressing Up the Stars is a beautifully illustrated inspirational children's book that is great for kids who like fashion design and movies. It's so nice to discover nonfiction books that contain factual information presented in a way that even little ones will enjoy.” – MAMA LIKES THIS