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"This is exactly what I'm looking for this year! Real women who impacted the world.

"Alma Thomas is a Black artist who broke racist and sexist boundaries during the Jim Crow era and now has her work hung in the White House. Ablaze with Color is a short biography, highlighting events that will appeal to young readers: her school experience, her move to a new home, her choices to follow her artistic passion, her museum shows, and her posthumous honor by former First Lady Michelle Obama. "The flowing narrative sweeps children along, beckoning them into Alma's world. By always referring to Thomas by her first name, author Harvey invites readers to connect with Thomas rather than merely learn about her. Harvey does not shy away from difficult truths, but tackles them matter-of-factly, making space for readers to acknowledge the past and understand Alma's role in changing the course of history.

"Back matter includes a timeline and photographs. When we read illustrated biographies T is always interested to see photographs of the "real people." The inclusion of photographs of Thomas and her work cements in readers' minds the pivotal role Thomas played: here is photographic evidence - she's not just some lady drawn in a book.

"That said, the illustrations capture the audience's eye and evoke Thomas's own style. Taken together, the text, illustrations, and photographs create a relatable and admirable Alma Thomas whom readers will be delighted to get to know. "I recommend Ablaze with Color."

Review by Lisa's Reading:

"This most beautiful book is inspiring, entertaining, and educational.

"The book is the story of the life of famous artist, Alma Thomas. The girl was born in Georgia during segregation and couldn’t go to the white school, libraries, or museums. Her parents provided many books, activities, lectures, and led the community in cultural and educational events. Later, they moved to Washington, DC, where they continued to carry out community outreach. Alma followed in their footsteps after studying art in college. She loved teaching art to children in the schools of Washington, DC.

"Her art peaked in her later years and she was featured in major galleries and President Obama hung her painting in the White House.

"This book is so beautifully illustrated and young children will be inspired by her story."

I had never heard of Alma Thomas, so I was very eager to read this book, plus the art looked fun and I love the colours!

So imagine my happiness when I was chosen to review this book for The Children’s Book Review’s tour! Eep!

In this book we meet Alma Thomas, a Black woman born in the US during the time when being Black meant a lot of restrictions. From schooling to libraries and more. It just breaks my heart each time I read about it. It is terrible that there was a time when this happened, and that even now Black people are still not safe in the US. 🙁

So I was delighted with Alma’s parents who tried all their best to bring out the best things in their children despite the restrictions, despite how the world is. From making sure there are books and home education to letting their children do anything from pottery to sewing. Later they make a big decision that will open way to more possibilities! Really, the best parent award goes to these two people.

I loved reading how Alma went into art and how she did a lot of awesome and amazing things for children. And she also did a lot with her art and helped out those who made art. She is so inspirational and I was just amazed! I definitely need to read more about this woman and see her art! I am very interested in her later phase, when she was older and went to focus on her own art.

I want to see those bright colours and patterns. And while writing this review I actually went to Google to check them out, haha, I just couldn’t wait and I am AMAZED even further. The illustrator really did a great job capturing them in her style!

The illustrations are just top notch and fit so well with Alma and her art.

Love love how colourful, bright it is. Even in the times that maybe weren’t always the happiest.

I am giving extra points to the author + illustrator’s note and that we even get a timeline!

All in all, a very inspirational read and I learned a lot of new things and found a new artist whose work I would love to see in real life! Recommended to all!

Where to find Jeanne Walker Harvey books

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