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Review of A Mind of Her Own

The Story of Mystery Writer Agatha Christie



cover of picture book biography about Agatha Christie titled A Mind of Her Own

Beach Lane Books

(Simon & Schuster)

(pub. 5.28.2024)

40 pages

Ages 4 - 8

Author: Robyn McGrath

   Illustrator: Liz Wong


Agatha Christie


" Before Agatha Christie became the greatest mystery writer of all time, she was a girl who loved books, make-believe, and puzzling out problems. She was a keen observer, always noticing the secrets hiding in the shadows and the clues just waiting to be uncovered.

More than anything, Agatha loved detective stories. She longed to write her own mysteries, but she struggled when she put pen to paper. The letters came out jumbled, the words twisting and snagging. Writing became a new puzzle for her to solve.

Her family and teachers chided her for being lost in her head, but Agatha wasn’t lost…she had a mind of her own!"

Tantalizing taste:

"Setting acting aside, Agath returns to writing.

Tim and time again, she puts pen to paper,

conducting a symphony of ideas,

but teachers reject her compositions

and criticize her grammar...

Back at home, Agatha retreats into her imagination...

Her mind fills with story possibilities ...

but again the words twist and snag

when she puts pen to paper...

Putting together one clue at a time, she begins

filling her six-pence notebooks with

suspicious characters,

fast-paced plots,

engaging scenes,

and sharp dialogue.

Agatha's detective story becomes a puzzle for her to solve.

A mathematical equation.

Just like she did with her father."

And something more: The More About Agatha Christie explains: "With with no playmates or formal schooling, Agatha was often alone with her imagination. She spent a great deal of her time with her imaginary friends and family pets, as well as her nursemaid... As a young girl, Agatha was paralyzingly shy. Family often teased Agatha for appearing to be lost in her thoughts"

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